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Ordinary people doing extraordinary things
Endless possibilities
Considered one of the best schools in the country, we’re proud to provide a well-rounded curriculum to a diverse student body.
Abbott Summer Internship
SEM students at the conclusion of their summer internship with Abbott
SEM Senior Visits White House
SEM senior Ariana S. formed a nonprofit, Gen-Z Votes
SEM Applications Open Nov. 1st
Applications can be submitted from November 1st to January 31st
Upcoming events
On the Horizon
recent highlights
news from our community
Custom Tab treatment - Option One
You are invited to discuss Dallas ISD's 2025-2026 budgeting process. Please attend any of the meetings to be part of the conversation.
Seeds of Change: Honoring the Hands that Shaped Nations
For over two decades, Dallas ISD employees have supported an employee-giving campaign that has made a significant impact on various charities in North Texas.
The Dallas Independent School District is sharing important information about a data breach that has affected Dallas ISD and many other districts.
eager to learn and driven to excel